Decide the Best Platform for Your Blog - Wordpress or Blogger or Tumblr
Planning to start blog and are confused in choosing the ultimate platform? The three most popular and wide-reaching names in this domain are Blooger, Wordpress and Tumblr. Blog is a medium where you can place your own views on any topic and let people know about it. Of course you can share about your personal interests, likings, dislikes and you can use it commercially too. Through blogs you can also build up your business online. All the three platforms have been customized to suit the various requirements of users. Wordpress is generally tailor made to suit the requirements of professionals; with all the plugins, widget and upgrades. This enables the users to design their websites well for establishing a firm place in the web world. Whereas Tumblr acts as social media platform, fetches maximum views with community driven post along with images. Now talking about Blogger, we can say that it takes a middle path, with simple using and some of the required widgets and drives traffic also.
Blogger can be the useful and convenient platform for new bloggers as managing it is simple, fast and blogging is streamlined. It is a Google product and you just need to have Google mail account to have access to a blogger account by default. It is the oldest of the three platforms and was launched in 1999 and Google took over it in the year 2003. Creating your blog in blogger you get to run Adsense and can earn good sum of money without a lot of effort, which is not applicable in case of Wordpress .com or Tumblr.ocm
As Blogger is basically meant for sharing views with other users and ordinances, so the drawback Blogger suffers is, it lacks plugins that the other two platforms are adorning. The themes available are not enough and stylish but of course you can opt for customized designed theme by hiring web designer. Never the less Blogger offers an option that, up to 100 authors can write on one blog and holds free mobile app facility for correcting and commenting on content through Andriod and IOS devices.

Now coming on to Wordpress many of us know that it provides two similar yet different products those are: and offers a cost free hosting and gives users a range of customizable the themes where a is fully free and bloggers can advance the version if they need added features by paying upto $99. You have a complete freedom of editing and managing your content and it is the perfect option for them who are deciding to widening their websites with various contributors like authors. It also provides compatibility with IOS, Android and BlackBerry devices to for editing and managing contents.

Tubmlr as mentioned earlier works like a social media platform has community of users who share content with others. Social media optimization is now the best way to acquire maximum amount of views and traffic. Mostly on Tumblr we find that an original useful content is shared with the help of ‘reblog’ button and attains maximum viewers. We can say it has the features of twitter and some a touch of Pinterset’s image posting options too.