As a leading digital marketing agency, LNSEL brings innovation and expertise to elevate your online presence. With more than 30 years of experience, LNSEL provides Digital Marketing Solutions to various domestic companies in India. LNSEL also has a stronghold of the outside market as well, It provides Digital Marketing Services across various countries in the world like UK, Australia, Kenya, New Zealand etc. Their holistic approach covers SEO, social media, PPC, content strategy, and more.

Thursday, 1 December 2016

4 Hidden Reasons Why India Surpasses Others in Software Development Service

Software!!! It has become more than just a word, just a programming term. It’s a factor that has connected the world in present time. It’s not something like rocket science but the funniest part is- Rocket science needs software too.

Software development is an aspect by which each business organisation works and gets connected to each other. You probably feel glad to know that India stands first in most offshoring of software developer in the world. India is undoubtedly the most attractive country for Outsourcing Software development.

According to the Global service Location Index (GSLI), 2016 India is on the leading position among all 55 countries of outsourcing destinations. Moreover, countries like China, Brazil, Thailand, Indonesia, Chile, Mexico and Poland are in the rest of top 10. Even China stood behind India in offshoring. The figures itself shows the fact that the nation has proved itself and each Software development company in India deserve the acknowledgement.

How India beats other Offshoring Countries?

1. We Have Produced More and More Skilled Developers

The best part of becoming the flagship country of outsourcing is, most of the Indian developers are young and energetic. Studies say that more than 50% of the country’s population are below the age of 25 and majority of them are a graduate that is skilled enough to be a software developer.

Image Source: Unsplash

Data say that if the rate becomes constant India will surpass the US in numbers of developers by the year 2018. The experts in this field show in their tally that there will be 5.2 million Indian developers all over the world whereas only 4.5 Million would be from the US by 2018.

2. They Spend Less and Learn More

It is surprising enough that the wages of learning this skill are far cheaper than the wages of other countries like the China, the US and other developed country in Europe.

Image Source: Unsplash
And the chief reason for this low cost is the many organisations in every city, metropolitan and suburb. And thanks to our promising youth who are aware of the situation. They get attracted to this field and joined the companies that provide with software development services in Kolkata, Delhi, Mumbai and other metropolitan cities of India.

3. Compromising the Quality  never happens in India

India believes in providing quality service and this is the keyword of the success of the nation. If researchers are to be believed, error rates in outsourcing of India are much lower than other countries. But, the chief hindrance of china and other Asian countries is the lack of English knowledge.

Image Source: Pixabay

In India, one could get all types of software based education that are used in IT profession, data Processing,  Payroll , Engineering, Human Resource and Training, Designing etc.

4. We Are Situated in a Comfortable Time Zone

The topological location of India helps the nation getting more chances. Being exactly another side of US makes 12 hours time difference and it gives convenience for companies for 24 hours working hours.

India, the leading outsourcing country also enlisted its name of the field of Microsoft, Google, Oracle, Adobe SAP etc. Though there is a close competition with China and Philippines, hope we remain our position with the help of more and more skilled developers.

Friday, 16 September 2016

5 Reasons Why Implementing ERP for Colleges in India Is a Must

According to a recent survey, the most common problem faced by colleges and universities in India is to efficiently manage their staffs, students, and other management jobs. They face numerous challenges related to academic and administration. Managing both is quite a daunting task and making the processes run smoothly is almost like a dream-come-true.

To keep all educational institutions aloof from the problem, various companies all over India are offering Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software at affordable price. This software, in short is a ‘one-stop solution’ to all the problems faced by any educational institution. They offer a wide range of advantages, listed below are few of them.

  • Organise Your Data
There are numerous data that every educational institution has to maintain to be used or produced when required. The software allows one to organise the data in the most suitable manner. Organising the data helps the institutions in proper management. Not only does the software keep the data well-managed but availing them is just a click away.

  • Secured Data
Every ERP Company in India is aware of the importance of securing your data including your college’s information. Securing those in the web server is no doubt a better option than physically storing them on the shelves. All information stored in the server is protected with back-ups, so retrieving them when required is just a click away.

  • Quickening The Process
With this software, the entire process of managing all academic and administrative issues is carried out within few seconds. Once the software is implemented, all the management is not only completed in the shortest span of time but also the whole process becomes hassle-free. Whether it’s about generating new reports or admission procedures of a new batch, all tasks are done within seconds.

  • Automated Results
Since all the administrative jobs are generally undertaken by bulk manpower, it is not always possible to track the flaws or manage those. The job being done manually, there are chances of unpredictable errors. Even a minute error in fee collection, admission list, or library books can play havoc. The best one can do is taking the aid of the software and have trust on the automated results.

  • Cost-Effective
Taking the aid of this software can help a great deal in saving a lot of money. Investing in the software turns out to be a clever decision in the long-run. Managing the campus generally requires much manpower for admission process and fee collection. So, the ideal thing to do is to manage them online by implementing ERP for Colleges. It is financially profitable as they save a remarkable amount of one’s energy and time.

Time to Go the Wiser Way

With the software offering so many benefits even teachers can be assured of saving their quality time. The software undertakes the task of taking student’s attendance and fills up the mark-sheets, so teachers can devote all their time to teaching. It is high-time to take aid of a reliable company offering the service and keep all the tensions of management at bay.

Friday, 10 June 2016

Top 5 Trends in Social Media Marketing That Are Ruling 2016

At this moment, social media is larger than life for all modern men. Yes, in its early years, it did garner all the criticism and was nearly deemed a platform impotent of worthwhile business actions. It was looked at as a fun element, devoid of any serious trade ambience.

However, over the years, this entity in the virtual digital world has come of age. It has turned rock solid, and is today, the à la mode of online advertising and content consumption. The only problem is, it is very, very dynamic.

You think of a stratagem and the next thing you know is, it is already out of date. Moreover, it’s getting topped up with endless rookie platforms hitting the market every year.

So, how do you survive the competition and stay ahead of the game? At least this year?

Simple – know what’s all the rage at present.

Presenting the Ruling Trends of SMO and Social Media Marketing In 2016:

1.  What’s In The Moment?

Well, typically, the entity was designed to ask this very question in the first place. It likes to know what’s happening where and how in the real time. It is because of its presence that we receive news like we never received before.

And what can be a more suitable example of this than Twitter? So, if you are ever hiring SMO services, make sure the doers are impeccably active on this platform.

2.  The Arrival Of The ‘Buy’ Button

Facebook and Pinterest have already done it. The newest call to action button is the ‘buy’, which is believed to drive direct sales for businesses. Users will be able to ‘buy’ a product or service without having to leave the platform.

3.  Instant Content Consumption

If these platforms want you to consume a certain content, they will do so, no matter what. For instance, Facebook is already leading the pack with its instant video playing activities. It also introduced an in-app feature called Instant Articles to help content publishers.

Further, it has also given us something called in-post search engine, which lets you find articles while referencing. The attempt hints towards instant user engagement – more and more and more.

4.  Only What’s Organic Is Welcome

Currently, privacy is a priority with all such platforms. This has come as a hard hit after the much-speculated security breaches of Ashley Madison and the recent account hacks of Mark Zuckerberg.

Accordingly, whoever is indulging in social media optimisation, needs to keep it fair and organic. Owing to the stringent security measures, a shady attempt may be immediately sandboxed and eliminated. Organic visibility is the current talk.

5.  The Big Shots Remain The Big Shots, After All

In the past few years, we have seen countless platforms come up and vanish in the blink of an eye. Naturally, these platforms never made it to success either due to lack of finances, or users, or popularity. In fact, some even went on to live a life of oblivion and others were eventually acquired by the big shots.

Source: Marketing Technology Blog

So, here’s the cue – no matter how fast the geography of this virtual world changes, the big players are here to stay. Those into social media marketing in Kolkata must respect their presence and leverage it to their advantage.
Are You SMO-ing Yet?

These top five trends will surely define the present landscape in the 2016 world of social media optimisation and marketing. They are expected to remain viable across all audiences and multiple platforms. Each one of these is an achievement in itself.

And the big shots have already claimed their position for the same. It’s time you prepared your business for these surging changes so that you stay competitive, remain organically visible, and expand your profit margin to the zenith.

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